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To achieve the highest level of sustainability, we have also researched how to dispose of batteries at the end of their lifecycle. Our approach is to use procedures that ensure the lowest possible environmental impact. Today, thanks to the development of new technologies, spent batteries can be disposed of in specialised and certified centres. This avoids any environmental risk and is, above all, in line with circular economy principles. In fact, the spent batteries are taken to centres specialised in recycling all the materials inside them. This involves subjecting them to a three-step process of:
- Crushing.
- Melting.
- Refining.
At the end of the process, the pure metal is ready to be used again
for any application, including the production of new batteries.This recycling process allows the lead to be recovered with minimal environmental impact.
The gearbox is fitted with a speed limiter/safety gear system similar to the A3 amendment devices on lifts. When the system is stopped, the cabin and counterweight cannot move, which ensures that maintenance technicians can enter the pit in total safety when making repairs.
The batteries are monitored by a system that checks their status and stops the lift when the batteries are not sufficiently charged. If this happens during a run, the system ends the run and remains stopped at that floor while it recharges. As soon as the batteries are sufficiently charged, the system starts working normally again. We can assure the customer that this type of situation occurs only very rarely because the batteries are sized according to a number of insertions per hour that the lift is unlikely to ever perform.
Guides made of folded sheet metal offer considerable advantages:
- Lightweight and with a maximum length of 2400 mm, they can be moved easily both during transport (they are packed in the mechanism box) and above all during assembly. They can be located inside any lift well without difficulty, even existing ones with parapets on the door side.
- Unlike traditional electrical systems, which have arch and counterweight guides, using our guides on these systems allow both the cabin arch and the counterweight to move, which reduces assembly times.
- Both the arch and the counterweight move along these guides on rollers. This means we do not need to use lubricants, like oils, and comfort and silence are guaranteed.
- Superior style. Our guides are considerably more stylish than traditional guides. If a request is made to paint the cableway mechanisms along with all the lift’s metal parts, the guides are powder-painted too, which creates an extremely stylish effect.
Our home lifts can guarantee up to 45 insertions per hour