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Electric lift


Launched in 2020, ZEN-0 is an innovative electric lift that is unique in its sector and ideal for domestic and public environments, apartment blocks and offices. Thanks to its patented ARE SMART-POWER system, ZEN-0 requires minimal resources to operate. In fact, the power used is only 300 Watts.

To operate the ZEN-0, it simply needs to be plugged into a standard power socket, like a normal household appliance. This achieves maximum performance in terms of energy efficiency.

Features of this Electric lift Zen-0

0,8 m/s Movement speed
300W Power consumption
The energy generated by ZEN-0 during use (with the cabin empty going up and the cabin full going down), is not wasted as heat, but stored in batteries for use in subsequent runs. Self-powering guarantees a real reduction in consumption which means lower running costs.

The ZEN-0 lift has a higher load capacity and movement speed than the home lift.

Tailor-made design

Every Zen-0 model is unique.

Our experience allows us to meet the needs of any customer as our solutions offer not only customised dimensions but a customised design too. We can recommend the most suitable materials and colours to ensure every lift is in perfect harmony with the environment around it.

Discover ARE SMART-POWER technology

ARE SMART-POWER is the name given to the innovative, patented technology with numerous energy efficiency benefits we use to power our lifts.

Display Smart

Our Display Smart allows you to monitor in real-time all the information about the energy generated by the electric lift during use and the level of battery charge. Additional functions include warnings regarding overloads in the cabin, low battery charge and no mains voltage.

Zen-0 battery-powered electric elevator compared with other ARE models

630 Max Capacity (kg): 500 Max Capacity (kg): 400 Max Capacity (kg):
8 Max Capacity (people): 6 Max Capacity (people): 5 Max Capacity (people):
Battery-powered Power Supply: Battery-powered Power Supply: Battery-powered Power Supply:
3400 Headroom (mm): 2600 Headroom (mm): 2000 Headroom (mm):
0,3* Max Power Demand (kW): 0,13** Max Power Demand (kW): 0,23kW Max Power Demand (kW):
0,8 Max Speed (m/s): 0,15** Max Speed (m/s): 0,15 Max Speed (m/s):

* in switch mode the power used is 1200W and 1500W during rapid recharging.
These values refer to a system with a load capacity of 450kg at a speed of 0.15m/s ** In countries outside the EU the speed is 0.30 m/s and the power used is 230W

Are you an installer or dealer interested in the Electric lift Zen-0?

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Frequently asked questions

Have a doubt or curiosity about our electric lifting platforms? Scroll through the list below. If the doubt persists, please contact us.

The main power supply for our ARE systems is based on the use of lead-acid batteries, which are widely used in the automotive world. They guarantee a long service life, low costs and excellent performance. Like all batteries, they have a lifecycle, which is long and can be replaced for a limited cost.

Yes, all our lifts feature soft arrivals and departures. The silence achieved by our ARE SMART-POWER technology gives lift passengers a pleasant sensation of comfort throughout every run.

With the batteries charged and under optimal usage conditions, up to 60 runs can be made. This ensures efficient service even during a blackout.

In this case, Switch mode* is activated, i.e. the lift’s power supply shifts from batteries to mains, and the passenger is informed with an illuminated icon. The lift moves more slowly so it remains within the parameters of the electricity meter installed until the required battery charge level is reached.

* in switch mode the power used is 1200W and 1500W during rapid recharging. These values refer to a system with a load capacity of 450kg at a speed of 0.15m/s

Yes, ZEN-0 has a higher speed that can reach up to 0.8 m/s.

Normally, the electronics for reading the load sensor are positioned on the cabin roof, so that is where the calibration procedure has to be conducted. This means the technician has to take care not to include their own weight in the measurements. It also means that for any information about the weight in the cabin you always have to climb onto the roof. In our system, on the other hand, the load sensor reading electronics are still positioned on the cabin roof, but they are connected to the control panel. So, all operations (calibrations, cabin weight readings, fault diagnoses etc.) are carried out from our Smart-Chopper board, i.e. the control panel.

  1. A battery-powered lifting system guarantees high levels of energy efficiency, thanks to its low consumption of electrical energy from the national grid and its recovery system that stores energy in the batteries during operation, so it can be used in subsequent runs. From this point of view, battery power offers system users greater safety as it allows the lift to be used even in the event of a blackout.

Yes, ZEN-0 has a higher speed that can reach up to 0.8 m/s.

In this case, Switch mode* is activated, i.e. the lift’s power supply shifts from batteries to mains, and the passenger is informed with an illuminated icon. The lift moves more slowly so it remains within the parameters of the electricity meter installed until the required battery charge level is reached.

* in switch mode the power used is 1200W and 1500W during rapid recharging. These values refer to a system with a load capacity of 450kg at a speed of 0.15m/s

With the batteries charged and under optimal usage conditions, up to 40 runs can be made. This ensures efficient service even during a blackout.

Yes, all our lifts feature soft arrivals and departures. The silence achieved by our ARE SMART-POWER technology gives lift passengers a pleasant sensation of comfort throughout every run.

The main power supply for our ARE systems is based on the use of lead-acid batteries, which are widely used in the automotive world. They guarantee a long service life, low costs and excellent performance. Like all batteries, they have a lifecycle, which is long and can be replaced for a limited cost.

Yes, all our lifts feature soft arrivals and departures. The silence achieved by our ARE SMART-POWER technology gives lift passengers a pleasant sensation of comfort throughout every run.

The main power supply for our ARE systems is based on the use of lead-acid batteries, which are widely used in the automotive world. They guarantee a long service life, low costs and excellent performance. Like all batteries, they have a lifecycle, which is long and can be replaced for a limited cost.

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